June 14: I can trust in God

Welcome back to Markies and Alive online!

Ask the grown-ups that live with you to do kid’s church with you today!


You might remember this one from a few months ago at church. Get out your dancing shoes and see if you can do the claps!


Kid’s talk

  • Emilia taught us about two ways of looking at the world, through:

    • a magnifying glass of trust in God.

    • or a magnifying glass of worry.

  • Which magnifying glass did Joshua and Caleb look at the world through?

  • Which magnifying glass do you think you use more often?



Ask your children what they would like to pray about today, and pray with them. You might like to ask God to help them use the magnifying glass of trust this week.


Memory Verse

Thanks for joining us!

We’re always excited to hear from you in the comments section below! Maybe you’d like to let us know what you got up to this week! :)


June 21: Taking risks for God


June 7: I can spend time with God anywhere