Our Community

This digital album is home to the moments of encouragement that have been documented and sent in by members of our St Mark’s community during this pandemic period. If you have something you’d like to share with your Church family – whether it be a song, note of encouragement, artwork, poem, or photo – please send it in an email to homechurch@laurenipsum.co.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”
Matthew 18:20

Self care

Here are some of the ways the people of St Mark’s, and our broader online faith community, are looking after themselves in these uncertain times.

Have a look through the images - you might come across some ideas that could help you, or think of something that you do that other people might find helpful. Know that you are not alone.

You can click on the images to enlarge them. If you’d like to add something to this gallery take a picture and send it to our Home Church email. (Also please note that some of these images were taken in the early days before the current social distancing restrictions were in place in Tasmania. Stay safe!)


Worship with us.

Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts” (Psalm 105:2).

Below are some musical projects we have been working on during the pandemic period. You can visit our YouTube channel to see other songs that our musicians have covered in their homes.


This is a cover by St Mark’s musicians to celebrate Easter Sunday while we couldn’t meet together. Thanks so much to all who contributed, and a special thanks to Andrew Hawkey for editing it all together.

An original song by Caitlin Carnaby, called Day by Day.

An original song by Kim Beales, So… Be still, inspired by Psalm 46 and in response to the dramatic global events of 2020. A reworking of an ancient song for the nations.

Letters to God

We have asked the children in our community to write letters to God, take a photo of them, and send them in so that we can share what’s on their heart with others.

Here are a few of the letters! You can click on the images to enlarge them, or to read a longer letter from Samantha, and Kim’s note of encouragement to her, you can go to this page. If you would like to write a letter and have it shared with our community, take a picture of it and send it to our Home Church email.



We really care and miss the older members of our community who aren’t connected to us online. We’re so thankful for the pastoral care team who are doing such a good job at helping people keep connected. If you or your family would like to adopt a grandparent during the pandemic period please get in touch with Anita Veltmeyer (there are a few processes to go through but we’d love to connect you).

Church camp

Several weeks ago, before the chaos hit, we had our first church camp at Spring Beach. It was a wonderful weekend of intergenerational fellowship. Here are some photos from our time there!

Use the arrows below the gallery to click through the images. If you’re on a phone or tablet device, you can swipe!