April 19: Jesus helps me believe

Welcome back to Markies online!

Ask the grown-ups that live with you to do kid’s church with you today!

Run and grab your Bibles. Today we invite you to read together a story about Thomas in John 20:24-31.

Once you’ve read the passage, watch the video below:

  • What did you like about today's story?

  • Did you think there would be a snake in the package?

  • What was James' big idea for the day?

  • Thomas got to see Jesus and he believed. What about us? How do we know Jesus and believe in him today?

  • Do you have questions or things on your mind that you want to ask Jesus?


Pray together

Ask your children what they would like to pray about today, and pray with them.

You might like to ask them what they are thankful for, and for anything they would like to pray for others about.


Sing along!

We had a lot of fun worshiping God on our Easter Sunday live stream. This was after bedtime for most of you, so we’ve included a kid’s highlight here. We’re planning to host a kid’s live worship time soon. We’ll keep you posted!


Memory Verse

Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe. - John 20:29

We'd love for the kids to send in a short video of them doing the memory verse (to Anita). You can also send her a picture of your kids smiling doing something they love.


Letters to God

Here are some more letters to God - thanks for sending them in! We’re going to keep doing this, and sharing different letters along the way. If you’d like to send one in, take a photo of it and email it to us.

Thanks for joining us, we’d be so excited to hear from you! If you’re a kid watching this you’re welcome to post a comment below too!


April 26: God is always with us


April 10: Good Friday for Kids