April 26: God is always with us

Welcome back to Markies and Alive online!

Ask the grown-ups that live with you to do kid’s church with you today!

  • What’s a good way to help you remember that Jesus is always with you?

  • Can you remember the memory verse from last week?


Pray together

Ask your children what they would like to pray about today, and pray with them.

You might like to ask them what they are thankful for, and for anything they would like to pray for others about.


Sing along!

This song also reminds us that God is always with us because God is everywhere. :)


Memory Verse

We'd love for the kids to send in a short video of them doing the memory verse (to Anita).


Things that make me smile

Here are some pictures of us doing the things that we love! Can you see any of your friends? What are the things that you do that make you smile? (You can click on the images to make them bigger!)



As it’s nearly time for Term 2 to begin, we are coming up with ways to run Alive, our Friday group for kids in grades 3-6, online.

If you’re interested in:

  • Joining in in an Alive zoom

  • Having one of your leaders as a pen pal

Please ask your parents to email Emilia with an expression of interest, by April 28th.

Thanks for joining us!

We’re always excited to hear from you in the comments section below.


May 3: God gave us a Mission


April 19: Jesus helps me believe