April 5: The Lord is my Strength

Welcome back to Markies and Alive online!

Ask the grown-ups that live with you to do kid’s church with you today! Let’s get started by watching the video below:


  • What was it like doing the obstacle course blindfolded?

  • How did you go at trusting your guide?

We saw in the story how Jesus trusted God, even in a difficult situation.

  • What are you finding difficult at the moment?

  • What might it look like for you to trust God with this?

Parents - for a more detailed session please click the link for our regular kid’s content.

Memory Verse

Kids Community

Looks at some of the wonderful treasures that people found in their homes last week! Thanks for sending in pictures, including those from Melbourne. :)

If you’d like to share something with your Church family, you can send a picture of your obstacle course or a video of you doing the memory verse to homechurch@laurenipsum.co.

A few weeks ago some of us went to Spring Beach for our first ever church camp. Have a look through the gallery – can you see any pictures of your friends?

We are inviting children to write and send in their letters to God. You can take a photo of their letter and send it to homechurch@laurenipsum.co.

Thanks so much for joining us – God bless!


April 10: Good Friday for Kids


March 29: Treasure in Jars of Clay