March 29: Treasure in Jars of Clay

Welcome to Markies and Alive online!

Your leaders miss you lots, but are excited to be able to do church with you over the internet! You can do this session as well as the Church at Home packs that have been dropped off to your house.

Ask the grown-ups that live with you to do kid’s church with you today! Let’s get started by watching the video below:

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

  • What things have changed that normally happen in your week?

  • How does that make you feel?

  • Why don’t we have to be nervous when things are changing? (Hint: look at verses 7-10!)

  • So, what should we do, who should we look to? (Hint: look at verses 16-18!)

Give this a try:

  • Sit down on the ground with your back pressed against a wall.

  • Put your feet up in the air in front of you.

  • Have someone push against your feet… look! That’s not too hard!!!

Sometimes things in life press against us and make us uncomfortable. But these troubles are okay because we know that Jesus who lives inside us give us strength, strength to keep going. Jesus overcame the grave, now he lives inside us forever.


  • Pray for the things you are worried about

  • Ask that Jesus will give us strength in amongst our troubles.


April 5: The Lord is my Strength