July 12: The Last Hurrah!

We made it! Welcome to our final all-age online home church service before we begin our Sunday services in person next week.

We are prayerful that the virus will remain under control in Tasmania and that we will be able to meet face-to-face for a very long time to come... we are however, holding onto all our plans lightly. For now, let’s celebrate what we’ve come through and thank God for all the blessings we have seen during this time.



This week our service is delivered to you in just one video! Click play, sit back and enjoy the service. A big thank you to Stuart for putting our last service together for us.


Philippians Overview

Next week we are going to be diving into Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Here’s a video explaining some of the context of the book. We’d love you to read this short letter throughout the week in your devotional time.



We're back in the building-01.png

Ready to come back?

Thanks to everyone who filled in our survey already - if you haven’t done so there’s still time now, and the team will review your responses tomorrow.


Thank you!

Wow… we’ve done it for now! Thanks for joining us on this online journey.

For those who won’t be meeting in person we will continue to put the sermon audio recording online each week, though expect a small delay between sermon delivery and upload.

See you next week – hooray!


July 5: The End