June 21: Humanity - What kind of story is this?

Welcome to St Mark’s Home Church, wherever you are in the world! As you scroll down you can follow the form of the service at your own pace with space for interaction, Bible readings, song and prayer as you feel led.

If you’re doing this with your family, you can head over here to access additional content for kid’s church today.


Introduction to the second
half of Daniel


Reading: Daniel 7:1-18

Continue reading in your own bible until the end of Chapter 7.



Download this PDF for a bible study on Daniel 7.

The second half of Daniel has some complex aspects. It would be possible to:

a. get bogged down in detail and miss the big picture

b. focus only on the big picture and miss the richness of the detail.

Kim recommends aiming for clarity on the big picture, and giving space for the details, but with a degree of humility, as even Daniel himself found some aspects difficult to understand :)



Thanks Laura and Dennyse for bringing us this music today. Feel free to sing your own songs, or you can find more songs on our slowly growing worship playlist.



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At the beginning of this year, our Connect Groups worked through The Prayer Course together. It was a great series that helped us to grow and deepen in our prayer lives.

Alongside the Prayer Course sits the Prayer Toolshed – an index of 30 free prayers tools that you can use anytime. We’ve selected a few from the list to share with you. You might like to do these now – alone or with your household – or incorporate into your regular prayer times throughout the week.



Thanks to all of those who continue to give to support our ministries. If you’d like to give to support the work of our church, click the button below.



One of the young adults in our community, Caitlin Carnaby, has written and released her latest original song, called Day by Day. Here is it – we think it’s pretty great!


Reopening update

  • Parish Council met on Thursday night and we continue to get closer to reopening for services. Our intention is to release a survey in the coming week to get a sense of people’s readiness and juggle the capacity of our spaces.

  • We are going to have a working bee on Saturday 27th June from 9:30am. Our goal is to get the property ready to show good hospitality – so bring your gardening clothes! The inside of the church is already well on the way to being ready as we create a COVID Safe space. To let us know if you’re coming please email homechurch@laurenipsum.co.


A community project for all of St Mark’s keen crafters!

The ABC is calling out for Tassie to get behind the appeal and knit 5000 wool squares which will be turned into blankets, between now and 26 July.

The ABC will donate the blankets to trusted charities who help our fellow Tasmanians over winter, including Vinnies Tasmania, The Salvation Army Tasmania, Anglicare Tas, community shelters such as the Hobart Women's Shelter and more.

The 20cm squares are easy to knit so anyone can get involved, whether you are a knitting pro or have never tried before. (We’ve doubled checked, and crocheting is okay too!) You can drop your squares off at ABC Hobart and ABC Launceston buildings, and Salvation Army stores in New Town, Sorell, New Norfolk and Kingston.

For all the details, and how-to videos on how to knit wool squares visit: abc.net.au/radio/hobart/rug-up-tassie/12357142


(Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ABCRugUpTassie if you share on social media, or send pictures of your progress to homechurch@laurenipsum.co)



We leave you with words from Revelation 21:3-4…

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

See you next week!


June 28: World history has a score


June 14: Taking a stand